- Name and objectives of the study programStudy program FIT: PROGRAM FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES.The objectives of the study program are:
- Introducing the latest achievements to field of information technology to education,
- The modernization of the education process and the introduction of practical classes to train students in practical application of advanced information technologies in a wide range of work,
- Monitoring and adapting curriculum and content to current market needs, with the aim of securing the actuality of the study program, regardless of the rapid development of new technologies and new applications,
- Educating even the undergraduate students, to a high level of engineering with a lot of fundamental knowledge, which will, in addition to practical knowledge in the application of new information technologies, provide the basis for further scientific work in this field,
- Training professors of computer science and technical education for the needs of primary and secondary schools.
- Type of study and learning outcomes. Study program for the information technologies is carried out in two study cycles:
– Undergraduate Studies
– Graduate Studies
The outcomes of the learning process in the groups and courses of undergraduate studies are:
– Ability to design, upgrade, improve existing and implement and introduce new information systems,
– Ability to solve complex tasks using modern assembly languages, as well as modern object- oriented language.
– Ability to use modern computer programs in the field of design, graphics, and other areas,
– Ability to design of microprocessor and microcontroller systems, and Project designing in the field of digital electronics,
– Ability to design software systems,
– Ability to design computer systems, databases and other telecommunications systems,
– Highly professional, pedagogical and methodical training for the needs of modern teaching courses for IT and technical education in primary and secondary schools
The outcomes of the process of learning at the graduate academic studies are:
– Knowledge of all aspects of modern information technologies in the development, application and the tendency of its future development,
– Ability to solve complex tasks using modern programming languages and object-oriented visual programming,
– Training for professional and scientific contribution in the field of the realized master’s thesis.
3. Academic and scientific title
At the Faculty of Information Technology, students acquire the following academic titles:
- Engineer of informatics (180 ECTS)
- Engineer of informatics (240 ECTS)
- Master of informatics (300 ECTS)
- Field of Information Systems
- Field of computer networks and telecommunications